The themes for the beginning and end of the anime NieR: Automata have been revealed.

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After a lot of back and forth about when the NieR Automata anime would come out, Aniplex said it would come out on January 7, 2023, and Crunchyroll said it would come out in “January,” it is now official. In Japan, the show will start to air on January 7, 2023. Outside of Japan, it will be streamed by Crunchyroll. The latest reveal also showed the opening and closing songs for the NieR Automata anime and a glimpse of Devola and Popola in the show.

Regarding the songs, the two groups who sing the opening and closing theme songs for the NieR Automata anime should sound familiar. “Escalate” by Aimer will start each episode. Aimer’s most recent performance was the start of the Demon Slayer Entertainment District arc. That song is “Zankyo Sanka.”

“Antinomy” by Amazarashi will be the ending theme. People might know the group because it did so many theme songs for anime. It did the opening songs for 86 and My Hero Academia, like “Kyokaisen” and “Sora ni Utaeba.” It has also made music for NieR Automata. For that game, it played “Deserving of Life.”

Here’s the new NieR Automata anime release date trailer, which shows bits of the new music and character appearances. At the 35-second mark, Devola and Popola appear.

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