Chainsaw Man: The viewer experiences Makima as seen through the eyes of Denji.

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Despite everything, Denji views Makima through rose-colored glasses, and as a result, the audience does as well.

The hunter’s perception of his mentor is clouded by her deception; nonetheless, he continues to look up to her and thinks she is stunningly attractive despite this. Fans are supposed to perceive Makima through the same warped lens as Denji, which is one reason why she continues to be so endearing.

Despite his newly found self-awareness and the knowledge that it was inappropriate for him to feel this way, Denji continued to admire her, cared for her, and craved her approval until the bitter end.

This was the case even though she had effectively robbed Denji of everything for her own selfish gain.

Makima was the one who cultivated Denji’s admiration for her, and even though he is unable to fathom the motivations behind it, he still does and always will.

She devised this strategy from the get-go to ensure that the audience would experience the same bewilderment as Denji upon realizing that he still has feelings for her.

Since Chainsaw Man is told from the point of view of the little child, the audience has a strong sense of empathy for him and frequently experiences the same emotions that Denji does.

The purpose of Makima’s character is to inspire admiration because she needs to be liked to get control over the Chainsaw Man in the first place and to arrange her entire experience of being evil.

Makima treated Denji with compassion while also appealing to the part of him that wanted admiration, acclaim, and approval. Because the devil hunter had a soft spot for her, she could get away with committing some truly horrific acts.

When the spectator sees Makima via Denji’s eyes, she is portrayed as stunningly attractive but inaccessible at every turn. She does everything she can to ensure that it remains the same, providing him a reason to require her due to her actions.

Makima is counting on the fact that people like her from the very beginning of Chainsaw Man to achieve her life goals.

Given that she is always intended to be the one person Denji reveres, the idea that she is written so that she might be disliked is a contentious interpretation, to say the least.

As a result of the audience being led to sympathize with Denji and experience the entire scope of her betrayal, Makima is admired up until the end of the story.

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