Chainsaw Man: There is a Good Excuse Why Makima Is a Female
The Control Devil has taken on a human form, but what is more crucial is that she is a female.
This was a choice that required careful consideration because it also had an effect on Makima’s capacity for control.
A male Control Devil would not be able to elicit the same feelings from Denji or the audience that Makima did.
Despite his conflicting desires, Denji looked for a maternal figure who could provide him with motherly love, which is why Makima exerted such effortless control over him.
Denji and his other male peers, such as Aki Hayakawa, who was also very much under Makima’s influence, would not have reacted in the same manner if the Control Devil had been a guy.
It’s possible that people would have thought of the devil in the same light as Captain Kishibe did.
The veteran demon hunter was promoted to captain in Special Division 4, as Makima had been the group’s guide and superior.
Kishibe, on the other hand, was neither admired nor venerated; somewhat, she was only tolerated.
Since he was a male, he did not have the same effect as Makima; hence, the gender of the Control Devil was equally as crucial as her human appearance.