One Piece 1072: Stussy, a CP0 agent, is Bakkin's cousin.

One Piece 1072: Stussy, a CP0 agent, is Bakkin’s cousin.

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There are many unsolved mysteries in One Piece 1072, but at least two major ones involving women have yet to be revealed. The first concerns the identity of Bakkin, an elderly woman who claims to be Whitebeard’s ex-lover. The other deals with CP0’s agent Stussy. However, new information may have emerged recently that establishes a link between the two.

Stussy was revealed to be a clone of a previous Rocks Pirate named Buckingham Stussy in One Piece 1072, “The Weight of Memory.” In addition, she represents the first fruitful cloning experiment conducted by the disbanded scientific collective MADS. These details reveal a great deal about Stussy and if she is related to Bakkin even more.

There is a link between Buckingham Stussy and Bakkin because of how their names are written in Japanese. Because of the similarity between the Japanese beginnings of Bakkin (バッキン) and Buckingham (バッキンガム), the latter is often mistaken for being a shortened form of the former. If this is the case, the correct spelling of the romaji transliteration of Bakkin is “Buckin.” This transliteration has been the subject of some debate, but the information revealed in One Piece 1072 may have settled the matter.

Possible explanations for the mystery girl on the cover of Chapter 1070, “The Strongest Form of Humanity,” include that Stussy is a clone of Bakkin. The young members of MADS were featured in Volume 27 of “”Germa 66’s Aahh… An Emotionless Excursion,” titled “Promising Scientists, Brought Together for the Sake of Mankind and the World.” This volume featured Queen, Caesar Clown, Dr. Vegapunk, Judge Vinsmoke, and a woman who was turned away from the camera. Based on her attire and haircut, the mystery girl could have easily been mistaken for a younger Stussy, but she may have actually been a clone of a young Bakkin. Given their ages, Bakkin and the mystery girl should be a better fit than Stussy.

How this fits into the larger Egghead Arc is yet to be determined. This reveal is likely meant to emphasize how dangerous Stussy can be. After all, she could be a major headache for anyone who has to deal with her if she is indeed a representation of a once-powerful Rocks Pirate in her prime. If you don’t believe me, just ask the Awakened Kaku she easily defeated. It wouldn’t be the first time a character’s moniker in the One Piece series was awkward to say in English. Read the Aloof, the main antagonist of One Piece: Unlimited World Red, went by the nickname “Pato” (パト) when he was younger because of his real name, Patrick Redfield (パトリック・レッドフィールド). Although the phrase “Pato” cannot be derived from “Patrick” in English, it is possible to do so in Japanese.

Assuming Stussy is a carbon copy of Bakkin, that says a lot about the former. If this were the case, it would confirm the rumor that Bakkin sailed on Whitebeard’s crew with the Rocks Pirates. That Edward Weevil is her biological son and Whitebeard would be strengthened by this evidence.

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