The amount of anime Record of Ragnarok Season 2 content available on Netflix, and more specifically, the variety of that content, is currently one of the service’s most intriguing facets. Fans can tune into shows like Vinland Saga to take in Thorfinn’s heartbreaking Viking journey and ancient Norse crusades. In contrast, horror fans can now take in Junji Ito’s Maniac and an anthology of morbid Japanese stories. Fans of fantasy can tune into shows like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to immerse themselves in the world of Eragon.
Another popular series is Record of Ragnarok, an adaptation of the manga of the same name. The manga pits gods from different cultures and eras against warriors from different eras. The first faction to reach seven victories will be crowned the victor, and the factions fighting for Earth are keeping their fingers crossed that a win will prevent the gods from destroying the planet. Fans are excited for Record of Ragnarok Season 2, which will premiere on January 26, although Season 1 featured only a handful of fights. Despite this, everything that has been shown up to this point has been quite terrifying, particularly the first fight that involved Thor. It’s interesting to note that although Thor killed China’s best warrior, Lü Bu, in the anime, that wasn’t the most terrifying thing he did.
In the Record of Ragnarok Season 2, Thor is seen destroying Lü Bu’s head.

During the first round of their fight, Thor attempted to break Lü Bu’s body with his hammer. However, Lü Bu was armed with a unique halberd infused with a Valkyrie’s soul. Even so, Thor was too much for Lü Bu, and as a result, his blows caused both of Lü Bu’s ankles to break. After both of Thor’s arms were severed, Lü Bu leaped atop his dependable mount, Red Hare, as it emerged from the shadows and charged at the Asgardian god. The God of Lightning eagerly accepted the challenge, but while many people were anticipating a response from the deity, he severed Lü Bu’s head.
The gruesome scene, reminiscent of a Mortal Kombat Fatality, was a fitting introduction to the rest of the competition. Brunhilde, who managed the humans and was also cheering on the pantheon of gods in the Valhalla arena, became very anxious. To put it more simply, they thought it would be easy, and they celebrated so loudly that it could be heard throughout the halls. Despite this, the Record of Ragnarok still had one more kill to give to Thor as he attempted to leave.
Thor is also responsible for the brutalization of Lü Bu’s obedient servants.

After entering the grounds, Chen Gong, who was Lü Bu’s devoted servant, along with the rest of the legion, which consisted of armies that had followed him from all over China, decided to launch an attack on the Thunder god. After Lü Bu had used Red Hare as a symbol of liberation, Thor was admittedly distracted when he saw the horse sobbing for its lost master after Thor had killed Red Hare. Because of this, Chen Gong took the horse and charged at Thor, not realizing that the god had changed his attitude from compassion and sympathy to superiority, laughing at them.
Thor used the Geirrod Thor’s Hammer to create a nuclear explosion when he smashed it into the ground and then walked away. Everyone in Lü Bu’s camp perished as a result, their very beings being reduced to ashes. Sadly, there is no longer an afterlife for these spectators. This includes Red Hare, whose emotional connection to Lü Bu crafted a bond that would make animal lovers tear up. This act of mercy killing in Record of Ragnarok was ultimately carried out out of respect; however, Thor enjoyed the thrill of violence and taking advantage of people he regarded as being on a lower social tier than himself.