
Chainsaw Man: Cruest Death More Heartbreaking

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Himeno’s tragic demise has become a significant plot point in Chainsaw Man. Attempting to seduce a minor, Denji, she came across as unpleasant at first. However, she quickly realizes her mistake and bargains with him to help her win over Hayakawa in exchange for his assistance in Denji’s pursuit of Makima.

She had no idea that a few hours after making their pact, Himeno’s life would be cut short in a battle between the Samurai Sword and the Sawatari. As with Kobeni and, luckily, Makima, she perished in the Japanese ambush on the Public Safety Division. It’s a terrible time for this to happen, as Himeno’s popularity soared as admirers recognized her as the best friend Denji never had. The tragedy becomes even more sorrowful and understandable as the audience tries to process her terrible death.

Jesus Christ, He Swept Me Away With His Chainsaw and committed suicide because of love.
Due to her agreement with the Ghost Devil, Himeno gave her life during the assault. Hayakawa had to kill the Gun Devil and exact revenge for his family, but she didn’t want him to die until she was sure he would succeed. Because she hadn’t bargained for the baddies to use the Snake Devil on her, she vanished into thin air when her devil contract expired.

Himeno made it abundantly apparent that she was doing this for Hayakawa out of the depths of her heart as she passed. She even went so far as to call him her “soulmate,” saying he had helped her overcome a previous bereavement. Hayakawa was hospitalized due to the mental health complications brought on by losing his partner in war.

Hayakawa Gets the Whole Story from the Chainsaw Man

Hayakawa is shocked when a young woman appears with letters while he is mourning, crying, and planning his future of smoking cigarettes. To find out that she is actually Himeno’s sister adds a nice touch of sweetness. By leaving him with their letters, Himeno affirms her belief that he is her genuine love and expresses her desire to rescue him from his thirst for revenge.

The knowledge that he overlooked their affection for each other and a chance at happiness may help him heal or shatter him in sadness. There were warnings, but Hayakawa was too focused on the task, so he worked with a new, terrible devil to exact his revenge on Himeno. Unfortunately, as his mental stability crumbles, he may become less focused and more easily derailed. On the other hand, he risks becoming a weakness in battle if he allows his emotions to get the better of him.

His selfishness cost him in the end, and he may have lost a second chance at happiness. Hopes are high that Hayawaka will be able to ride off the tragedy. Still, now that he has revealed his human, vulnerable, and frail side, the villains have more opportunities to exploit his weakened state on the battlefield. As the story of Chainsaw Man progresses, it will be interesting to observe how he responds to these letters and the specter of Himeno, given that he is not used to paying attention to his emotions.

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