Stussy Buckingham

One Piece 1073: Stussy Buckingham

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In Chapter 1072 of One Piece, Vegapunk and Cipher Pol’s battle takes a shocking turn. But first, Vegapunk has to solve his current problem with Jewelry Bonney. The lone woman pirate of the Worst Generation keeps bothering Vegapunk for answers about her deceased father. In addition, she begs the scientist to transform the ex-Warlord back into his human form. But Vegapunk has turned down her plea. The scientist insists there is a good reason for his stubbornness, but he can’t explain it to Bonney because of professional constraints. Bonney is undeterred, but when interrogating Vegapunk, she stumbles onto a very suspect room. The enormous paw within represents Kuma’s past and is instantly recognizable to Bonney.

The struggle on the Thousand Sunny is heating up at the same time. As it turns out, the Seraphims’ arrival at the Labophase is a mixed bag. If the cyberpunks can make it to the Seraphims in time, they can easily override the Cipher Pol’s directive now that they are close to the Satellites’ grounds. But in the meantime, Kaku has released his Devil Fruit Awakening. Nonetheless, Zoro shows no signs of being shaken. He quickly dispatches the giraffe user of the Devil Fruit, at which point they receive unexpected assistance. Kaku is knocked to the ground by Stussy’s vicious bite.

Not even Rob Lucci saw this coming. He doesn’t attempt to comprehend Stussy’s motivation before launching an assault on the girl. Stussy uses an afterimage to avoid Lucci’s strike and then bites the man on the neck. Lucci experiences the same loss of consciousness that Kaku had. As the defenders of the Thousand Sunny, Brook and Zoro are equally perplexed by this unexpected development. Stussy, on the other hand, gives them no explanations. She instead contacts the Satellites to share the good news of her accomplishment.

This news has come as a complete surprise to the Straw Hats with Satellites. Then Shaka tells them what’s going on. It was recently discovered that Stussy has been on their side for over twenty years. Stussy cuts in on them as they’re talking. Having the same power as Lucci, she is helpless to halt the Seraphim, but Edison and Lilith convince her that it is enough. Brook and Zoro, meantime, have started pursuing the Seraphims. They pick up on the cyborgs’ familiarity; Zoro, in particular, becomes fascinated by one Seraphim.

The two satellites are assaulted as soon as they contact the seraphim. The good news is that Zoro is relatively close by. He deflects the onslaught from the cyborg and verifies its familiarity. However, he does say that the Seraphim is more human than Mihawk. When Edison sees the Seraphims approaching, he speeds up to stop them. However, before he can finish his command, Seraphim Jimbei attacks. Sanji is the hero this time around, rescuing the Satellite. The order given by Edison is followed instead of Lucci’s. Shaka orders Stussy to leave after hearing that Kaku and Lucci have been bound with Sea Prism Stone. Stella, however, has disappeared from Vegapunk.

Right then, the setting changes to Whitebeard’s hometown of Sphinx. Two youngsters report the Navy’s activities to Marco. Kids say the Navy has arrived and established its control. As far as I can tell, they’ve here to steal Whitebeard’s loot. Sphinx is not part of the World Government; hence it does not fall under its authority. The law needs to be established to safeguard its inhabitants. When the civilians refuse to bring the Navy officers to Whitebeard’s alleged treasure, the officers threaten them with death. Despite the Navy’s insistence that such gems exist, the children are adamant that they do not. Edward Weevil shows up right before they shoot an innocent person, knocking them on their rear.

The town Weevil grew up in is where his father was born, and Weevil wants the Navy to leave it alone. Even the police are taken aback by this development. In light of the World Government’s efforts to destroy the former Warlord following the dissolution of the Warlord system, no one had expected him to show up. The Marine officer then reports that the squadron is no longer contactable. They have not only been unable to eliminate Weevil, but they have also requested reinforcements. The kids’ tale, however, continues. The children report the entrance of a new person after Marco expresses his happiness at their protection.

Miss Buckin arrives before the kids can say for sure who it is. She has always been a bit of a mystery, but not this time. She claims to be a scientist but is actually a former member of the infamous Rocks Pirates. As a freeloader for MADS, she would be the inspiration for their first clone. As Miss Buckin mentions, Admiral Ryokugyu has also arrived. The admiral challenges Weevil and wins. The ex-Warlord is thus incarcerated. Then, in addition to trying to take Whitebeard’s estate, Miss Buckin insists that Marco rescue her son.

Marco thanks Miss Buckin and her men for protecting the community but refuses to comply with their requests. Then, Miss Buckin tries to talk some sense into Marco. She says that she has someone who can witness Weevil’s genealogy and that someone is none other than Dr. Vegapunk, even though she knows that Marco still doesn’t believe her.

Kizaru travels to another section of the ocean to retrieve tea for a confident person: St. Jaygarcia Saturn, one of the Five Elders. Sure, he still needs to check for poison. As Kizaru brings Saturn the drink, he inquires whether Saturn has seen Dr. Vegapunk. Saturn confirms it and laments the current events in One Piece.

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