One Piece 1076: Old Friends (Recap & Spoilers)

One Piece 1076: Old Friends (Recap & Spoilers)

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In One Piece, Chapter 1076 answers some of the questions raised by Chapter 1075 and features one of the most popular Emperors.

In Chapter 1075 of One Piece, the case of Dr. Vegapunk’s missing daughter Stella takes a sudden, dark turn. Not only do Shaka and the other Vegapunk Satellites not know what is going on in Labophase, but it also seems likely that one of them is a traitor. The problem is that they don’t know who the traitor might be, and as time goes on, they feel worse and worse. The Straw Hats and even the Satellites are now being attacked by the Seraphims. They also ignore what the Satellites tell them to do, which shows that the traitor isn’t under their control. Also, this traitor has started to kill off the transponder snails.

Lilith’s and Shaka’s groups are getting hit the hardest by the Seraphims’ attack. S-Snake has scared York so much that he keeps firing laser beams at Franky and the others. At the same time, S-Hawk and S-Bear attack the people in the control room of Labophase. The two Seraphims are not stopping for anyone, and it doesn’t look like they are picking their targets. They attacked everyone in the group, even Cipher Pol 0 agents Kaku and Lucci, who were both knocked out. In a surprising turn of events, it turns out that the two agents were always aware. Then, they offer to work with Luffy and Zoro to defeat the two Seraphims.

Zoro has a good reason to be skeptical of their plan. Kaku tells him, half in jest, that he and Lucci will put on the handcuffs as soon as they’re done dealing with S-Bear and S-Hawk. On the other hand, Zoro isn’t as good. At that moment, S-Bear attacks the group with the power of the Dice-Dice Fruit. Right away, Zoro notices the ability, which makes Lucci repeat it.

Before the sword can answer, Shaka confirms that the government agents came to the island for a reason, which Lucci doesn’t try to deny. He also says that he punished Stussy for turning against the government. After that, the group hears a scream. Zoro figures out that the voice is their navigator’s, which makes Luffy ask Shaka for the key to the handcuffs. But before he gives them the keys, Luffy tells Lucci not to be a coward and go after his friends just because he doesn’t think he can beat them. The Leopard-man takes Luffy’s bait, which is a surprise.

The two CP0 agents join the fight when they are released from their handcuffs. Luffy changes into his Gear Four form, while Lucci changes into his half-animal form. The two then go after S-Bear, and their combined attack sends the Seraphim flying. In the same way, Zoro and Kaku fight S-Hawk together. They kill all of the Seraphim with one attack, just like Luffy and Lucci.

The chapter then moves to the lab, where many Cipher Pol agents talk about bad things. The group comprises agents from CP5, CP7, and CP8, and it looks like they last ate two months ago. It turned out that they had been sent to Egghead Island two months before to look into it. But just as they were getting ready to leave, the mechanical sea beasts attacked them and put them in the prison they were in now. The other Cipher Pol agents who were sent to find out what happened to them had the same thing happen.

Just then, Stella’s location is finally given by the chapter. He is with the Cipher Pol agents who are in jail. However, he isn’t the one behind the government agents’ imprisonment. He even says he’s sorry he didn’t know about the shady operation right under his nose, but he says it does explain how the government found out about the Poneglyph research in Egghead. While this is happening, the Marines have also started to move, with 100 ships already on their way to Egghead.

In another part of New World, a young boy asks Red-Hair Shanks to let him join his crew. This is similar to how Luffy got his start. On the other hand, Shanks has yet to make plans to take him with him. The Emperor says he doesn’t take kids too angry with him. Just then, one of Shanks’s men tells him he has been attacked. Shanks then stops talking to his old friends, who he supposedly thought was dead. Benn Beckman and Lucky Roux then ask Shanks if they will fight their attacker, which makes the little boy and his mother very happy. It turns out that Dorry and Broggy, the giants from Little Garden, are among Shanks’ old friends.

The next part of the chapter shows that Shanks and his crew of pirates are in Elbaph, the Land of the Proud Warriors and that the Kid Pirates are attacking him. Shanks asks his giant friends to help him fight off the young pirates, and they do. Shanks sends a message to Kid before the fight starts and gives him a choice: either fight him and his fleet or give up the Road Poneglyph they have. In Kid’s main ship, his crew also tells him who they are up against.

Killer asks Kid what he wants to do since this isn’t the first time they’ve met the Red-Haired Pirates and fought with them. Killer tells his captain that the last time they fought the Emperor, they couldn’t even get Red-Hair to talk to them. Not only that, but Kid didn’t get out of the situation without any damage either. A killer is sure that Kid will lose more than just an arm if he loses this battle, given how big it is. The kid, on the other hand, isn’t scared.


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