One Piece Chapter 1077 Recap and Spoilers

Should Have Noticed Sooner! One Piece Chapter 1077 Recap and Spoilers

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In One Piece chapter 1077, the stealth attacks on Dr. Vegapunk’s gang continue to heighten the tension and mystique.

Chapter 1076 of One Piece provides insight into the surprise strikes. The Seraphims intend to murder Dr. Vegapunk, his Satellites, and anybody who assists them. S-Bear and S-Hawk have located Luffy, Zoro, Shaka, and the Cipher Pol agents in the central control room, compelling them to battle. Fighting the Seraphims and watching the two government agents is a lot of work, so Luffy agrees with Lucci and Kaku’s unanticipated plan. The Emperor releases their bonds, and the two aid them in their battle against the Seraphim. At this time, Vegapunk Stella and the other people are held captive, and he discovers something sinister is occurring right before his eyes.

Shanks is reuniting with old pals in a different region of the New World. In Elbaph, he drinks in a pub where a young man attempts to join the Emperor’s pirate group. Shanks rejects the kid’s application in an impolite manner, as expected. Someone just then informed me that the Child Pirates were approaching. Shanks leaves his pals, revealed to be Dorry and Brogey, and confronts the young pirates outside. But before he does so, he solicits the assistance of his more prominent companions. He also gives the Kid Pirates a choice: fight the Red Hair Pirates or abandon their Ponegliff. Not surprisingly, a child would rather die than flee with his tail between his legs.

Sentomaru is already in motion by Chapter 1077. He instructs the inhabitants of Fabriophase to leave the island. Sentomaru describes the situation as citizens and employees will not obey such an unusual request. He tells what happened to Ohara and cautions that Egghead may meet a fate worse than Ohara’s. In any case, the World Government is determined to destroy the brilliant scientist, although this would impede global scientific advancement. Sentomaru can only rely on Luffy and the others.

Back in the command room, Luffy and Lucci continue to employ signature strikes against S-Bear. Similarly, Zoro and Kaku are collaborating to stop S-Hawk. Even though they have repeatedly struck the Seraphims, they continue to rise. So much so that Luffy expresses open displeasure that his opponents continue to compete while cheating. On the other side, Zoro feels differently. When he realizes how powerful the Seraphims are, he recalls King, Kaido’s right-hand man.

Shaka believes Zoro may be referring to Alber, a Lunarian test subject who fled Punk Hazard with Kaido. Alber’s blood contributes to the Seraphim’s incredible strength. Thus, Zoro warns them to be wary of the flames on the Seraphims’ backs. As long as they are ablaze, they cannot harm Seraphims.

Nami has already summoned Zeus to Building A’s third story. She tries to convince herself that the Seraphim in front of her are not children, and Zeus supports her. The cloud instructs her to close her eyes and fire at them. Zeus assures her that he will handle the remainder. Indeed, he did so. Zeus raises a glass to S-Shark, but the gesture is ineffective. The Seraphim descended and then immediately ascended. Nevertheless, Sanji appears before S-Bear can harm Nami. The book informs the Seraphim of the Sanjutution and prescribes an exemplary punishment for them.

Lilith and the others are battling S-Snake on the same floor of a different building. Lilith employs a bubble gun that fires sea-energy bubbles to harm the Seraphim. According to the Satellite, obtaining a Devil Fruit ability carries hazards. All Seraphims possess Devil Fruit abilities; hence the water remains their Achilles’ heel. Franklyn uses this opportunity to prevent the Seraphim from taking flight. However, it turns out that S-Snake has also adopted the pride of Boa Hancock. While Franky attempts to stop her, the Seraphim pouts and strikes the Straw Hats’ shipwright.

Franky has already attempted to touch her, making S-Snake furious. The Seraphim releases its lasers. Fortunately, Frankie has been fighting for a very long time. He sneaks up behind S-Snake and envelops her in a massive sea energy bubble. Lilith and Usopp both compliment him on his intelligence.
On the other hand, S-Snake is not pleased with how events have transpired. She then employs her charm to inform Franky that he is causing her pain. Franky experiences some regret because he is a compassionate cyborg. Afterward, S-Snake uses this opportunity to kick Franky in the face, killing the place where their skin touches. S-Snake focuses on Usopp and Lilith when they become frightened. She offers me a chance by winking at me. Then, she uses the Devil Fruit’s power to transform Usop and Lilith into stone.

Throughout this ordeal, Shaka finally arrived, where Stella was being detained. When the other captives heard Shaka’s voice, they began pleading. Shaka recognizes them since he has previously seen them. They are agents of Cipher Pol. Dr. Vegapunk speaks for last at this time. Shaka locates him instantly and inquires about Stella’s capture. Stella, though, has more concerns. He is curious as to who brought Shaka there. Shaka is fatally wounded before the Satellite can respond to Stella’s question.

Even worse, everything goes wrong just before the arrival of Dr. Vegapunk. It’s hardly surprising that everyone is astonished. The scientist has reasonable cause for concern and panic regarding the Satellite. Stella suddenly hears footsteps, and the unknown individual behind them appears familiar. In future One Piece installments, the search for the traitor will continue.

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