One Piece 1078: Luffy's Arrival Upsets the World Government's
One Piece 1078

One Piece 1078: The World Government Is Confused! Luffy’s arrival on Egghead Island upsets all plans.

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One Piece 1078: The World Government’s plan for Egghead Island was finally uncovered. This plan was designed long before the story in One Piece 1078.

The World Government finds out that Vegapunk is researching the Void Century. This is why the World Government wants to destroy Egghead Island from civilization. To confirm this, the World Government sends CP5 agents to Egghead Island.

However, the agents sent did not find the required evidence. Moreover, the ship and CP5 agents suddenly disappeared and did not return from Egghead Island. The same fate has been experienced by other agents sent by the World Government.

Agents CP7 and CP8 met the same fate and did not return from Egghead Island. Amidst this confusion, the World Government receives information from a traitor, York. York finally exposed the research being conducted by Vegapunk to the World Government.

Based on this information, the World Government finally sends CP0 agents to exterminate Vegapunk on Egghead Island. In addition, Gorosei Saturn and Kizaru, along with a large fleet, were also sent to the island. However, this plan went awry when it was discovered that Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates were also on Egghead Island.

This existence made the World Government nervous, and they plotted even bigger plans against Egghead Island. Based on the narrative conveyed in One Piece 1078, this plan will have a big influence on the world’s future.

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