There is something peculiar about one of the Franky-related scenes in One Piece 1078. According to the official spoiler for One Piece 1078, Franky’s body was only partially petrified after being struck by Mero Mero Mellow from the S-Snake seraphim.
How can Franky ‘just’ petrify some, while others, such as Usopp and Lilith, were truly transformed into stone statues after being bitten by an S-snake?
According to the official circulating spoiler, One Piece 1078 will be titled “Time Limit for Escape.” Although the broad contents of One Piece 1078 are generally known by fans due to the unauthorized release of the manga on multiple platforms, there are still intriguing topics to explore from that chapter.
Do you recall that in yesterday’s chapter 1077, Franky held Bubble while she was shot by Lilith? According to yesterday’s chapter 1077, the Bubble blasted by Lilith is a solid ball containing seawater.
Lilith fired the Bubble through her weapon in an attempt to incapacitate the S-Snake. Even though a tiny portion of S-body Snake’s was struck by the Bubble and rendered momentarily weak, he was still able to avoid the attack.
Franky swiftly caught the Bubble and struck S-body Snake’s with it till he fell upon realizing that Lilith’s Bubble contained seawater. S-Snake was weakened because Bubble, who was held by Franky, squashed his body. But, S-Snake was able to fool Franky and loosen his grasp with a juvenile, spoilt ploy, leading the seawater-filled Bubble to be flung.
S-Snake promptly seized this opportunity, and he succeeded in transforming Franky into a stone statue. Some One Piece fans believe that Franky accidentally absorbed seawater when S-torso Snake was crushed against Bubble.
This is comparable to the idea that Franky’s body is fueled by Coke; hence it is not implausible for Franky to have absorbed seawater from the Bubble. Franky was only able to regain half of his body, however, because the amount of liquid saltwater absorbed was so minimal.
If Franky manages to save himself in the end, it is feasible that in the future, he will make his metal body impervious to devil fruit attacks by incorporating sea stone materials or something similar.