One Piece 1079: The Red Haired Pirates and The Emperor's Crew Clash

One Piece 1079 Summary & Spoilers: The Red-Haired Pirates, The Emperor’s Crew

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One Piece 1079 Summary & Spoilers: The Red-Haired Pirates, The Emperor’s Crew

In One Piece 1079, readers get an update on the clash between the Red-Haired Pirates and the Kid Pirates, and the outcome is just as expected.

In One Piece 1078, there are a lot of big reveals. Stussy tells Sentomaru what the world government is planning to do. She tells the young Marine that the world government thinks Egghead is a more significant threat than Ohara. Because of this, Sentomaru orders everyone to leave Egghead. He tells them that the island is going to be destroyed soon. On the other hand, the Straw Hats still have to combat the Seraphim. Even though Luffy’s party knows that the Seraphim might have a weakness, they still have trouble combating them.

Also, there is news about the traitor among Dr. Vegapunk’s satellites. The traitor’s face is ultimately shown in Chapter 1078, shocking Stella. It turns out that the traitor is the indolent York, who tells Stella that she wants to become a celestial dragon. Stella doesn’t believe that the Satellite can make such a decision because she knows that York has seen for herself how cruel the Celestial Dragon is. But York’s argument continues further. The woman, Satellite, says that the world doesn’t need more than one Vegapunk. It only needs one, which is quite clearly her.

In Chapter 1079, which takes place just a few hours before the present, the traitor York talks with the Seraphim. She goes on a rampage about how the plan of the world government could kill her. It would seem fine if only Stella was on the hit list, but since she is also on it, she must carry out her plans. She tells the Seraphim to use the broken Frontier Dome to get rid of the things blocking her way. They are to kill everyone but her, Stella, and the underground people. The Seraphim follow this order without hesitation.

York says she doesn’t want the other people to discover she is the traitor. She wants to hide the horrible things she has done since she knows she isn’t powerful enough to beat the other satellites. So, she tells Snake to make her scared in front of everyone. Once everyone has stopped looking at her, she will stop being frozen. Lastly, she tells them what parts of the lab they shouldn’t break. She let them go after that. The Seraphim start their evil search for the other satellites and those who help them. Sentomaru is still doing everything he can to get the people of Egghead to leave the island. He also sends out the Pacifista to watch over the evacuation process.

In Elbaph, the Red-Haired Pirate captains give the Kid Pirates a dire warning. The first ones to stop them are Frog-Toes Ribbitini, Frugar the Adventurer, and Pururu the Brr-Rave. The kid isn’t so amused when he sees how foolish they seem. He doesn’t even believe that they are loyal to the Red-Haired Pirates. Still, Killer tells him not to think too little of the other team. Many well-known people are among them, so being sloppy could hurt them a lot. On the other hand, the kid tells his first mate that he has no plans to do that, even if they really aren’t anyone.

Shanks also made it to land at the same time. His first order is to move any ships that are in the way. Even though it hasn’t been long since they’ve seen him, the pirate captains who work for him are upset. Shanks tells them to move their ships no matter what. Shanks then brings up the fact that they are known for being wrong. He tells them that his associates, and by extension, them, are known for being weak, which makes the others chuckle.

The primary part of Shanks’ pirate gang is already getting ready to set sail. Lucky Roux tells Shanks that they can handle the young pirates, but Shanks advises them not to underestimate them and then talks about Kid’s past. He also asks Yasopp if the Kid Pirates are ready to battle again, even if they were hurt in Wano. Yasopp replies to him that they are.

On Kid’s ship, they have also found out who their enemies are. Killer says that nine ships are blocking their way. Kid shows his lack of interest and puts on his characteristic damned punk.” Shanks sees him moving and tells his followers to spread out right away. He also tells Dorry and Brogy to get in place. Shanks’ Color of Observation Haki seems strong enough to let him see into the future, and when he sees a bad one, he heads straight for Kid. He doesn’t hold back. Being near him makes some of Kid’s followers fall over, and he performs Divine Departure directly on the young pirate.

Shanks’ attack does a lot of damage to the ship of the Kid Pirates and knocks out the captain. A lot of their crew members are also thrown from the planes. When the other Kid Pirates check on their commander, they find that even Killer was attacked because the first mate was trying to protect his captain. When the other members see how bad things are, they give up. They give the Emperor all their road petroglyphs and ask him not to execute their leader. Yasopp then tells Shank where they are, letting the Emperor escape the Kid Pirates’ ship quickly.

But the argument still needs to be finished. The Kid Pirates are about to find out the hard way that everything they do has a result. Since Kid used his ability to shoot like a cannon at Elbaph, Dorry, and Brogy are more than delighted to pay him back. They use their own weaponry and the Hakoku Sovereignty, their signature move. It’s the same attack they used to save the Straw Hats Pirates. With that, they very well separated the crew of the Kid Pirates. Then, it is decided that the Emperor Red-Haired Shanks will kill the three billion bounty kid pirates at the War Land Elbaph. Only the new One Piece chapters will show if they survived.


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