When Luffy’s powers, especially Gear 5, also called Sun God Nika, came to life, it wasn’t the end of his Hito Hito no Mi Devil Fruit ability of the Nika model. Many theories about One Piece say that Luffy will use the power of Gear 6 and that this power could be stronger than the power of Sun God Nika.
Whereas Luffy, who owns the devil fruit of God Nika, can use all of his fantasies to become a giant, the fact that Gear 6 exists makes Mugiwara even more dangerous. Luffy has the power of God Nika’s devil fruit because Vegapunk explains that when Mugiwara and Lucci fought, they used their waking powers. Because of this, Luffy’s strength is limited to his ideas. In the booklet Road to Laugh Tale, Eiichiro Oda explains that God Nika’s power rests on how the user uses their imagination. So, right from the start, Luffy could make a lot of different moves because he could copy everything he had seen and practiced.
He probably got all his Gear forms from the animals he met while training on Rusukaina island, from king kongs to snakes. When Luffy is in Gear 5 mode, he can also become a giant. This is because he meets people from Elbaf, the race of giants, on some of his trips, like in Little Garden, Water Seven, and Dressrosa. If Luffy can improve his skills up to Gear 6 in the future, he can hit levels 7, 8, 9, and even Gear 10.
Sun God Nika
Whenever Luffy gets better at something, he has to fight enemies better than him. This will make Mugiwara do many things using his power. Luffy’s Gear 6 power will also come from his devil fruit waking. Because of this, it will be more dangerous than Nika’s Sun God mode.
Luffy can make his devil fruit even more vital now that he is more potent and has learned three kinds of haki, making him even more unbeatable. Luffy will get even more potent because he wants to become a pirate king and protect all of his friends so that something like Portgas D Ace’s death doesn’t happen again. Many One Piece fans can’t wait for Gear 6 to come out because it can show the new power of the future Pirate King and show if he will be better than Gol D. Roger.