One Piece Theory: Yamato Is a Dr. Stone Tribute

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How One Piece and Dr. Stone Are Connected?

One Piece and Dr. Stone may initially appear dissimilar, but intriguing connections between the two emerge upon closer examination. Both manga series made their debut in Weekly Shonen Jump, showcasing the artistic brilliance of Eiichiro Oda and Boichi. Notably, both creators admire Portgas D. Ace, a prominent character in both series. Moreover, the presence of characters with leek-colored hair and potential alternative sexual identities further strengthens the connection. Within these commonalities, Yamato from One Piece emerges as a character that bridges the gap between the two worlds.

Yamato: A Dr. Stone Tribute?

It is plausible to consider that Boichi’s work inspired certain aspects of Yamato’s design and character in Dr. Stone. While the timing and overlap between Oda and Boichi’s creations might seem coincidental, accumulating these instances suggests a deliberate pattern.

The Timeline Unveiled

Dr. Stone, a manga series Boichi created, debuted in March 2017. The immense popularity of its anime adaptation by July 2019, marked by an advertisement in Times Square, speaks volumes about its success. It is highly probable that Oda, given ample time, was exposed to Boichi’s captivating artistry and developed an interest before introducing Yamato to One Piece.

Yamato’s appearance was revealed in One Piece Chapter 984, “My Bible,” on July 6, 2020. Initially depicted in black and white, her color scheme remained undisclosed. However, her connection to Ace stood out as a significant revelation. The confirmation of Yamato’s leek-colored hair arrived on October 16, 2020, when she graced the cover of Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #46 alongside Luffy. This revelation allowed fans to draw a parallel between Yamato’s hair and Senku’s distinct hairstyle from Dr. Stone.

Interestingly, during the same period, a One Piece spin-off called “One Piece Episode A,” illustrated by Boichi, began serialization on September 16, 2020. Boichi, committed to his ongoing work on Dr. Stone, would have had ample time to collaborate with Oda and deepen their mutual understanding.

A Striking Resemblance

Yamato’s hair, consistently portrayed as white with green and blue highlights, resembles the ever-changing hair hues of Senku in Dr. Stone. Senku’s hair color alternates between blonde with green highlights and white with blue highlights in different illustrations. It can be postulated that Yamato’s hair color amalgamates the distinct hues associated with Senku, further reinforcing the connection between One Piece and Dr. Stone.

Unveiling Yamato’s Connection to Dr. Stone

While Yamato’s connection to Dr. Stone is not overtly expressed, the synchronicity between her introduction and Ace’s spin-off’s development cannot be a coincidence. These subtle threads imply a more profound connection that warrants exploration. To establish Boichi’s appreciation for One Piece, it is crucial to identify instances of his involvement with the series independent of external influences.

Boichi’s Affection for Ace

Boichi’s deep admiration for Ace is evident in his artwork. In WSJ Issue 3-4, 2021, where artists drew their protagonists alongside a One Piece character of their choice, Boichi naturally paired Senku with Ace. This issue also featured One Piece Chapter 999, “The Sake I Brewed to Drink With You,” which sheds light on the first meeting between Yamato and Ace. Whether Boichi received direct insight from Oda or independently chose to include Ace, it reinforces his appreciation for the iconic character.

Continued Appearances

Ace continued appearing in Boichi’s work, strengthening One Piece’s and Dr. Stone’s bond. In Dr. Stone’s Chapter 181, “New World Science,” a color spread featured Ace promoting episode A. The release of Chapter 2, “The Devil’s Child,” on February 4, 2021, solidified the crossover element within Dr. Stone.

Yamato’s connection to Ace during the development of Ace’s spin-off cannot be dismissed as mere chance. The parallel appearances of these characters imply a deliberate intermingling of the two series as if their fates were intertwined.

Expanding the Possibilities: One Piece Crossovers

A Gateway to Collaboration

The profound connection between One Piece and Dr. Stone opens the possibility of exciting crossovers with other manga within the Shonen Jump universe. Many talented artists associated with Shonen Jump would eagerly contribute to One Piece content or incorporate references to the series in their works. Oda, known for his collaborations with other mangakas such as Naruto, KochiKame, and Dr. Stone, would likely reciprocate the gesture.

Potential Collaborations

Following Boichi, the next artist who stands out as a likely candidate for a One Piece tribute is Shun Saeki, renowned for his work on Food Wars and the current Tenmaku Cinema series. Saeki previously illustrated the Shokugeki no Sanji spin-off, featuring the Straw Hat chef cooking and serving food across the One Piece world, with foodgasm moments reminiscent of Food Wars. If Oda depicted someone’s clothes exploding off due to Sanji’s cooking, it would undoubtedly reference Saeki’s signature style.

The dual cover for Chapter 1000 of One Piece showcases characters who could potentially star in their own captivating spin-off stories. With the original artists at the helm, similar to Boichi’s involvement in the Ace spin-off, these series would undoubtedly capture the imagination of fans. The feasibility of a product depends on the character’s popularity and the mangaka’s creative prowess. For example, a Boa Hancock story by Tsutsui Taishi (We Never Learn: BOKUBEN) or a Smoker story by Yoshifumi Totsuka (Undead Unluck) would undoubtedly receive approval due to the characters’ popularity. On the other hand, mangakas like Kohei Horikoshi (My Hero Academia) or Gege Akutami (Jujutsu Kaisen) could offer intriguing takes on characters like Don Krieg or Arlong, respectively, making their stories equally captivating. Some collaborations may balance character popularity and mangaka talent, similar to the successful partnership between Ace and Boichi.

The Bond Between Oda and Boichi

An Unconfirmed Connection

While no direct association between Oda and Boichi has been officially confirmed, it is reasonable to assume that, as fellow Jump artists, they hold each other in high regard. Imagining a conversation between the two artists conjures discussions about their shared admiration for Ace, Yamato and their mutual respect’s work. When considering these factors, the intentional resemblance of Yamato’s hair to Senku’s becomes a more plausible and intriguing detail.

In conclusion, the connections between One Piece and Dr. Stone go beyond mere coincidences. The shared appreciation for characters like Ace and the visual similarities between Yamato and Senku hints at a deliberate tribute from Oda to Boichi. This opens up the possibility of exciting crossovers between One Piece and other Shonen Jump manga, with talented artists showcasing their skills and paying homage to this beloved series. While the extent of Oda and Boichi’s relationship remains unknown, the connections between their works speak volumes about their impact and influence on each other’s creations.

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