Dragon’s Secret Mission: Sabo and Luffy Unite on Eight Island (One Piece 1091)

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Unveiling Dragon’s Secret Mission: Sabo and Luffy Unite on Eight Island

Discussion of One Piece chapter 1074. In this chapter, we see how Morgan learns about the World Government’s plan to kill Vega Punk and about Luffy’s presence on Action Island. Morgan has a brilliant idea to create sensational news. He presents false news that Luffy is holding Vega Punk hostage and challenging the Navy on Age Island.

However, we know this is not true. In reality, Luffy and Vega Punk are working together and intend to leave Eiger Island. Morgan, as the owner of the World Economy newspaper, prioritizes entertainment interests over the truth, for Morgan, whether its content is engaging, not authentic, or false matters in the news.

In chapter 1089, the false news has spread widely in the newspaper, along with news about Garp missing on Bihi Island. People worldwide indeed read the newspaper, including prominent figures in the sea. Revolutionaries like Dragon, Sabo, and their companions must know the truth behind the false news. However, Luffy, surrounded by many Navy forces, faces real danger.

As a crucial figure in the Revolutionary Army, Sabo feels the need to help Luffy. Despite the Revolutionary Army being busy with the war against the Tenryubito and attacks on supply ships, Sabo still believes it’s time to move and assist Luffy. He is confident that Luffy has grown stronger after defeating Kaido and being recognized as one of the Yonko.

Sabo wants to head to Age Island to aid Luffy in this dire situation. However, the consideration of participating in the war against the Tenryubito makes him have to convince Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, of his intentions. After a heated debate, Dragon finally allows Sabo to go on the condition that Sabo will entirely focus on the Revolutionary Army after helping Luffy.

When Sabo arrives on Eight Island, he immediately engages in battle. His Hiken-to power is extreme and capable of destroying several Navy ships. Despite being an Emperor of Fire, many people still keep his presence a secret. Sabo collaborates with Luffy to confront their enemies.

In further developments, a potential battle involving the Gorosei, the heads of the World Government, is likely. If Kizaru is defeated, the Gorosei will probably directly get involved in the battle. Dragon, Sabo, and their companions might strive to face the Gorosei to overthrow the existing system.

In this incident, we will likely witness character developments for Sabo and the climax of the battle between the Revolutionary Army and the Navy. This will be an epic moment in the One Piece story, where readers and viewers will be treated to exceptional action and intrigue.

Lastly, but no less critical, is the potential confrontation between the Dragon and the Gorosei. As the heads of the World Government, the Gorosei wield incredible power. However, Dragon, as the Revolutionary Army leader, is also determined to change the world. Their meeting will significantly impact the following stages of the story.

That’s the theory about Dragon’s secret mission, where Sabo will move to help Luffy on Eight Island.

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