One Piece Chapter 1092: Dragon Mission to Save Garp on Bihi Island
Dragon Mission to Save Garp on Bihi Island. As the story on Eight Island unfolds, some interludes show the events in the outside world. One of them is when Sabah returns safely to the Kamabaka Kingdom and when Garp launches an attack on Bihi Island. In the future, there will be more interlude stories as Eight Island continues. This dragon is related to the dragon who will seek revenge against the pirate Kurohige. As we know, Garp was lost on Bihi Island; Bila Ice Kuzam pierced him, and his body slowly froze. According to news in the newspapers, Garp disappeared on Bihi Island, so he is not reported as dead or captured; his disappearance means that information about him there is unknown to the public.
The newspapers spread very quickly worldwide, so the news about Garp must have been read by many people. In Chapter 1089, the people in Fusa Village had read the information. However, besides them, people in various places must have read the same information, including the RevolutDragon Army. Therefore, Dragon will find out about Dragon’s fate.
Although Dragon does not follow in Garp’s footsteps as a marine and has been separated for a long time, it does not mean that Dragon does not care about Garp. After learning the news of Garp’s disappearance on Bihi Island, Dragon feels he must go there. Why does he think the Dragon do that? Because Dragon suspects that the Marines will not do anything. The world’s situation has become increasingly chaotic, so the Marines are too busy with various matters. They will not casually go to Kurohige’s base, especially now that the Marines are focused on Yonkoluffy. Therefore, the person with the potential to sDragonrp is Dragontedly Dragon. So, the Dragon will go to Bihi Island soon.
There are main reasons why Dragon is doing this. First, of course, to assess the situation and help him. Second, as an act of revenge against the pirate Kurohige. Because in the past, KurohigeDragon’sd Baltigo. Dragon’s son, Luffy, is now facing problems at Dragon Island. However, Dragon chooses to help Garp because it is of much greater urgency. Garp has already lost and gone missing, so he must be rescued immediately. As for Luffy, he has not lost yet, so his situation is not too worrying. Dragon has only helped Luffy once before, Dragon. In other cases, Dragon has not been involved in Luffy’s problems because he believes that Luffy can handle his dragons. Moreover, now Dragon knows that Luffy has defeated Kaido in Wano, so the current Luffy is more than capable of solving his problems.
Throughout hesitation, Dragon chooses to go to Bihi Island. The main enemy of the Revolutionary Army is the World Government. Not long ago, they also declared war on the Celestial Dragons. The Revolutionary Army had already started their plan by destroying the supply ships heading to Marijuice. Dragon should still focus on those issues. However, sometimes someone has to make a difference. Most likely, when Dragon was still young, he was involved in a reasonably severe situation where his life was in danger. But Garp, who is or being heroic, saves Dragon in that situation. Protected by his father is expected, but Dragon feels indebted to Garp as a father who saved his life. Now, knowing that Garp is in Dragon, it is time for Dragon to repay his debt from the past.
Dragon feels there is still time to go to Bihi Island before he has to truly focus on fighting the World Government. The Revolutionary Army seems to have mysterious and strDragonmbers. Therefore, Dragon can rely on them to monitor the situation for a while. Dragon and some of the troops will go to Bihi IslDragonere, and the power of Dragon will be revealed. There has always been a storm and strong winds in his previous appearances. Dragon would be a clue to Dragon’s authority related to strong winds and weather changes.

The most likely possibility is that he uses the Paramecia Devil Fruit Weather or Mythical Zoan. In the form of Mythical Zoan, he can control the wind and weather. Dragon’s power will be exciting and certainly has tremendous potential.
A few chapters ago, we could see a ship from Kurohige’s pirates approaching Ace Titan Command Island. On that ship must be either Levite or Katarina Devo. Currently, La Vito may still be overseeing the situation. He will not be hasty, considering that many Marine forces surround the island. In his observation, by coincidence, La Vito will see one of the Gorosei. Maybe he will see him when he gets off the ship later. La Vito will report to Kurohige that one of the Gorosei is on Bihi Island. Kurohige…”