Kenbunshoku Haki atau Haki Pengamat merupakan salah satu kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh para karakter dalam anime One Piece. Dalam anime […]
Author: jamur
Terbentuknya Super Aliansi Luffy – Wasiat Terakhir dari Shirohige
Salah satu keinginan terakhir dari Shirohige sebelum meninggal adalah untuk melindungi adik dari Ace, yaitu Luffy. Tugas berat ini telah […]
One Piece: Buggy Keeps Failing Up – Now, He Has a Real Chance to Find the One Piece
In anime, One Piece has arguably one of the largest and most developed casts. Whether they are heroes, villains or […]
One Piece 1084 Reveals Dragon’s Plan So the Revolutionary Army Can Beat the World Government
In the future, rebel troops in One Piece 1084 will show they are against the world government. We know that […]
One Piece 1084: Shanks Is an Im Agent Hiding Under a Yonkou Costume
One Piece chapter 1084 reveals Akagami no Shanks’s real identity for the first time. It is revealed in chapter 1084 […]
Tinjauan Episode 1 Blue Lock
Blue Lock adalah kartun olahraga untuk musim Gugur 2022, dan diharapkan menjadi besar. Manga Blue Lock telah diterbitkan di Weekly […]
Teori One Piece: Kuzan Ingin Menghancurkan Pemerintah Dunia
Teori One Piece: Sejak dunia One Piece selalu terlibat dalam peperangan, pergantian afiliasi karakter bukanlah hal yang aneh. Namun, keputusan […]
One Piece 1082: Aokiji Saves Grandpa Luffy by Ignoring Garp
Every time Eiichiro Oda’s manga comes back, it has a new surprise, like in One Piece 1082. In One Piece […]
One Piece 1082: Zoro’s Left Eye Can Copy His Enemy’s Swordsmanship
One Piece 1082, it is shown that Zoro’s left eye can copy the sword skills of his opponent. Fans were […]
One Piece 1082: Shanks’s father died in God Valley, and it turns out his name was a member of the Gorosei.
One Piece 1082, Akagami no Shanks’s father’s full name was finally revealed after a long time. This is because, in […]